Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ginger house revision...

Changed the Telephone pole with electric wires into a wind turbine.

Progressive Gingerbread House
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Great place to use that candy....Gingerbread House!

So the Switch Witch makes the candy disappear... into plastic bags at the back of the cabinet. Out they come again now. On to the gingerbread house. And the best part is the kids have no interest in eating it when we break the house apart in 2 weeks because it is old and stale :)
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Sunday, October 30, 2011

The One Who Invented Trick or Treat by Shel Silverstein

"Yes, I invented "Trick or treat"
So you could fill your mouth with sweets-
Candy bars and lemon drops,
Marshmallow and Tootsie Pops,
Butterscotch and bubble gum.
Hold out your hand - they'll give you some
Chocolate kisses, Jujubes,
Sourballs and jelly beans.
Have a cake - some cookies too.
Take a couple - grab a few
Peppermint Sticks and Mary Janes, 
Licorice whips, and candy canes,
Slurp some soda, munch a pie,
Don't let those M&M's go by,
Chew that toffee, munch those treats,
Get that caramel in you teeth.
Then come see me, I'll be here- 
I'm your friendly dentist, dear. "

- Shel Silverstein, 'Everything On It'

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Halloween Costume Contest

Big Money Prizes!!

"Halloween Costume Contest! Show off your spooky style by entering the Mothering Halloween costume contest. Share your best pics and the community will pick their three favorites to win $150 in organic clothing from Vyssan Lull, two awesome books from Barefoot Books or a supporter membership!

How to Enter:

Now through Nov 7th at 4pm ET, post photos of yourself, your spouse or your kids in your best Halloween getups! Each member may enter up to two times. One post with a single photo counts as an entry. Multiple submissions should be made in separate posts for voting purposes. Group photos are OK as long as the individuals are your family members only. 


How to Vote:

Three winners will be chosen based on community feedback. The three photos with the most votes (thumbs ups) on Nov 7th at 4 PM ET will get first, second and third prize. To vote for a picture you love, thumbs up the post the photo". 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What she has inspired.....

It is that time of year when I get great drawing from Switch Witch Fans!
Thank you! It inspires me to think about how The Switch Witch is changing family traditions and keeping kids healthier :)

Please send me yours. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

What to do with the left over candy!

The homeschooler in me says. "Can we learn something from this?"

Ah, yes.... Candy Experiments! Let the candy sit in water,vinegar, baking soda, etc. See what happens, watch the dye come out, see the sugar melt. Heat them up change from a solid to a liquid. Etc.

Then compost the left over :)

Who wants to eat all that junk anyway?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Help your autistic child have a safe and happy Halloween

The Autism File has a great post about the Top 10 things to do to help your family have a safe and Happy Halloween!
Halloween can be a challenging time for children who are autistic and working with sensory integration.

You have been "Boo'ed"

Last year our door bell rang and we opened it to a bag of treats. Not candy, but stickers, Halloween cookie cutters, craft projects, homemade play dough, etc. It had a little note with it:

"Witches flying on broomsticks
Goblins screech and play some tricks
black Cats prowling through gravestones
skeletons laugh and giggle their bones

You've been boo'ed on this night
While bats were watching under moonlight
I'm not ghoul, just a friend,
So don't take fright!"

And then you pass it on.... we wrote our own little poem, put together some homemade cookies, and fun pencils, etc. Then we surprised another family. Pass it on!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Don't be afraid of Halloween...Story Nory

STORY NORY: Don't be afraid of Halloween
We have loved this website for ages! It has audio stories that you can listen to.  It allows you to download the stories so you can even put them on an ipod/mp3 player. There are songs, myths, bible stories, nursery rhymes, etc. It is a fabulous resource. I have it set up so that I get a weekly email with a link to their newest story.  It also allows my kids to hear an English accent an added plus! Enjoy this story.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Switch Witch

The Switch Witch is already preparing for her yearly flight to all the schools and homes of creative kids. Magic, her cat, has been pacing around as she find out how kids are doing with their costumes. Mrs. Switch has been fine tuning her magic skills so that she can leave some fantastic gifts for kids. This year she is contemplating adding more homemade gifts. What about orange homemade play dough that smells like cinnamon? She has had letters arrive from kids all over. She even received a letter and a picture from a teacher who reads the "The Switch Witch" book to her class every year and then she gets dressed up as her! What a year it will be!

If parents would like to get cards to hand out to trick-o'treaters about The Switch Witch, just drop me and email and I will send them FREE!