Get out the crayons. Find all of those little nubs, broken crayons, etc. Peel off the paper. Gets some cans. Put them in cans based on similar colors. Feel free to mix colors. Don't be afraid to try the glitter crayons too! Put the cans in an old sauce pan with some hot water. Melt on Medium (not high). Pour the melted wax into candy molds of your choice. Let cool or place in the freezer for faster dry time.
New crayons in any shape you want.
Which led me to thinking. This is a great idea to hand out at Halloween! So not only are you being "green", Eco-friendly, up-cycling! All those cool words.... And at the same time cleaning out all those crayons that don't get used because they are too small, but you are being healthy! Way more fun and last longer too than that piece of chocolate ;)