Friday, October 4, 2013

Marketing to kids

So how many of you think of your favorite candy when you think of Halloween. Those Reese's peanut butter cups, or getting a full size Hershey bar, the crunch of a Kit Kat. Well, the holiday has turned into a huge marketing scheme. Why else do they put Halloween candy out next to the Sept. School supplies. People make sure that they have bought those favorite brand names to give to kids so that they are handing out the best candy. But those kids are the ones that are really being influeneced. They are being branded. They are being taught to buy certain labels and brand names at a young age, and the joy and excitement if the holiday are instantly connected with those brand names. Market strategies are designed around this and they know that they are teaching kids to buy their brand for life. Kids will then seek out these top brand names at stores and find those sweet, sugary, addictive treats to experience those same feelings of joy and excitement that they felt on Halloween night. They are being conditioned at such an early age. Your kids are being used to secure a companies success. Hmmmm, how do you feel about that?

Stop the branding of kids. Stop making them addicted to these sweets and slaves to these companies. Be cautious about what they are exposed to. My kids think of Halloween and can't wait for roasted pumpkin seeds, because we have made such wonderful memories of making them together and eating them every year. They look forward to the butternut squash soup I will serve on Halloween night and the pumpkin bread they will eat and leave for The Switch Witch. You have control over your eating and health.... Use it.

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