Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Why it is important to educate your child's teacher

Why do I post every year that people should be getting a copy of The Switch Witch for their kid's teachers?

Teachers have a lot of power. They are with our kids for a good portion of the day. We ask our kids to listen to them. They have control over who gets to go out to recess and who doesn't. Basically if a teacher says something is true, your kid will believe it.  So when your child comes in to school to tell his best friend about how The Switch Witch is coming to his house on Halloween night and his friend disputes it, or may even tease him that there is no such need the teacher to validate your child and help to keep the myth alive. You need that teacher to back you up! Just like if your child had a different cultural, religious, health, etc. beliefs or mannerisms, you would want to explain them to the teacher so she can be supportive and encouraging. The same goes for The Switch Witch! 

So pass it on....

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